
Solid, Family-Wage Jobs

Brandy has been fighting in Olympia to support working-class families, expand economic development, increase access to new business opportunities, and ensure the creation of family-wage jobs. When our working families thrive, Washington thrives.

Making Washington Roads Safer 

As your Representative, Brandy has a demonstrated track record of supporting, introducing, and implementing policies to make us all safer on our highways and in our communities. There is a lot more to do, and she is already working on it.

Increasing Access to Housing

We are facing a major housing shortage nationwide. Brandy is committed to working with stakeholders to build the housing supply needed to make housing and homeownership achievable for all. Tackling this issue will require creative thinking and a variety of equitable housing models, from transit oriented development to co-housing communities and beyond in order to address the diverse needs of Washingtonians. 


Consideration of childcare is a vital piece of our economic infrastructure. We need to ensure that childcare is sufficient, accessible, and affordable for all of those who need it, and that childcare workers receive access to the training they need and wages they deserve. This will help address our shortage of available workers across the board, including laborers, office workers, first responders, and even strengthen the operational readiness of our National Guard.


Whether it’s early childhood education, K-12, trade schools, certifications, undergraduate, or graduate programs, Washington and Washingtonians benefit from improved access to quality, equitable education.

Reproductive Rights

Reproductive health care is health care. Healthcare decisions should be made between those undergoing or seeking treatment, their medical providers, and any others that they choose to include in the process.

LGBTQ+ Rights

Love is love. Who, how, and even if one loves, and who someone understands themselves to be, is not a valid determination of their value as a human being. It should not be used as a weapon to limit their human or civil rights. Protecting gender-affirming care is also essential in ensuring that everyone has the right to live authentically. Gender affirming care is healthcare. 

Environment and Energy

Ensuring a safe and healthy climate for future generations isn’t just a priority but a responsibility. Brandy is committed to advancing policies that reduce carbon emissions, promote renewable and clean energy sources, and protect our natural resources. By working with industry experts, advocates and consumers alike, she aims to implement sustainable practices that mitigate the impacts of climate change, without forgetting about the workers who deliver services, design, build, maintain the infrastructure and while recognizing the communities most often negatively impacted by the process. A healthy environment is crucial for public health, economic prosperity, and overall quality of life, and it’s imperative that no one is left behind as we work to achieve it. 


Healthcare should be accessible, equitable and affordable. Brandy understands that we are all more productive when our needs are met individually, and our society as a whole benefits from a happy, healthy workforce. Mental/behavioral health care is health care. Currently, we’re facing a major shortage of providers, and delivering the quality care needed is dependent upon valuing, encouraging and supporting the personal and professional development of current healthcare workers, while creating a pipeline to bring new, diverse providers online. 

Consumer Protection

Brandy supports policies that protect Washingtonians from predatory business practices. She also works to ensure that those who provide us with many valuable services have the education and qualifications necessary to provide quality services, while working to expand interstate compacts to minimize the steps needed by externally certified and licensed newcomers to our state.

Firearm Safety

Gun violence has deeply affected many of us, and Brandy is proud to support measures that will save lives. There is still much work to be done, and she looks forward to building on our progress. Brandy is dedicated to creating safer communities and will continue advocating for common-sense gun legislation to protect families everywhere. Together, we can make a difference and save lives.